Fullness of the Gospel
(From my scripture study this morning) Helaman 8 24 And now, seeing ye know these things and cannot deny them except ye shall lie, therefore in this ye have sinned, for ye have rejected all these things, notwithstanding so many a evidences which ye have received; yea, even ye have received b all things, both things in heaven, and all things which are in the earth, as a witness that they are true. 25 But behold, ye have rejected the truth, and a rebelled against your holy God ; and even at this time, instead of laying up for yourselves b treasures in heaven, where nothing doth corrupt, and where nothing can come which is unclean, ye are heaping up for yourselves wrath against the day of c judgment . Mormon, seeing our day, knows that the Gentiles also reject the fullness of the gospel as these people did. You can’t reject something unless you have received it. This isn’t just about missionaries kno...