Another possibility...
What if... the eclipse in August 2017 was the sign to the Gentiles that they had 7 years grace that ends with Trump not finishing his term(?) in Oct 2023 and the rise of the antichrist after the Apr 2024 eclipse? Then during the 7 years of tribulation we have the 13 month war, the 3 1/2 year battle of Armeggedon, the building of the New Jerusalem, the return of the 10 tribes, what else...? This puts us about 10 years away. The Book of Mormon example I gave took about 13 years, so this is closer to lining up with how long it took them, if we are lining up with their history. Maybe the 1/2 hour of silence (20.8 years according to God's time of 1000 years = 1 day) was 2000 - Apr 2020 - Satan's time of power with the Secret Combinations but it ends with the "Birth of the Kingdom of God". The silence ends because of all that bursts on to the scene beginning with conference. The prophet and church takes the world stage, leading to the literal battle between the wo...