How are we purified and sanctified?
The other morning I had an image come in to my mind. It looked like a "Y", in that there was one path that split in to two different directions. My thought was that thoughts come in to our mind on that first path. We may or may not have any control over these kinds of thoughts. They often just show up. But there is no sin until the choice point at the intersection of the path with the two diverging paths. The path to the left represents that path to follow Satan. It will be the path of least resistance. It will feel like you are on a boat and the current will just naturally take you down that path to the left. The thoughts will just continue to feed on each other and propel you down the swift, dark current of negative belief. The other path takes much more effort. It's as if you have to stop the boat and choose to step out of it. There is no current to easily take you down this path to the right. You have to work hard to find the thoughts of truth that will counter the o...